Monday, March 19, 2012

Let there be light, let there be morning.

Happy Monday. Today will be a great Monday, and I'm sure of this because:

1) I'm starting it off by eating breakfast with one of my best friends
2) I'm baking brownies
3) God is SO good.

Let yourself be lifted up.

Sunday, March 18, 2012

The best part of waking up, is Folgers in your cup! I am so excited to drink coffee today. (Yikes, the addict in me talking).

Welcome to Sunday. I slept well, so have less thoughts weighing down on me. You know how that is?

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Today I will be delivering wrapped muffins and Jamba Juice to eeeeeeverybody. Oh my gosh, it's so early. Good morning, good morning.

Look at the rain!!!!

Friday, March 16, 2012

Second one of the day. Just woke up from a longer-than-intended nap, so I guess these thoughts qualify for the waking-up blog, right?

Listening to Ben Howard, given to me by a friend, and powering through some late night final exam writing, and really looking forward to the next week. For lent next week I'll be abstaining from listening to the radio or other types of music, and it's finals week.

This week (dead week) was especially challenging to get through without caffeine and sweets. So next week, without music? Wow. Going to be really, really cool. I have made a few exceptions, though. I'll only let myself listen to worship music and play music, which will be good. I haven't played my guitar for fun in a really long time; I think it will be good therapy, and I'm hoping it'll be a really good opportunity to just listen to God and hear what he has to say about everything I've done/am doing/will do. Thank God for music.

I feel blessed, despite some strange events this week, God is still so so good.
"But I will sing of your strength,
in the morning I will sing of your love;
for you are my fortress,
my refuge in times of trouble."
Psalm 59:1-17

The Bible paints so many of God's characteristics in different ways. This morning, I'm particularly drawn to the quality of God's strength. God is really, really strong. So this whole fortress image is nice too. I'm imagining Superman's Fortress of Solitude, but 100 times better. That's what God provides for us.

So even though I have a final today, and I'm still a little headache-y from caffeine withdrawals; and even though you probably have a lot of things to do today (don't we all?), let's take refuge in God's strong fortress, a fortress stronger than final exams or coffee.


Thursday, March 15, 2012

These days are like stories and today is full of muddy pages. I want to breathe more easily when things like this happen. Air in, air out.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Late for being early. Keep wondering what makes us morning and night people. Wishing I was a morning person, real bad. Foggy, foggy day. I'll take it as a challenge.

Going to the gym with my roommate
and will hopefully
bring on that natural
to just

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Woke up late.

We are morning rushers,
hustlers, bustlers,
tapping time with our fingertips

One day we will be timeless
Among the stars
and a precious night sky
that blankets our dreams

Today I am letting go
and giving You my hopes
that washed away with the rain

It's Tuesday and I'm laughing
at my past sorrows and delights
today is new, and I will write.

Good morning, for 30 days!

Hello! Welcome to my first post. I heard about "Blogrimages" through a friend on Facebook; basically, those who participate vow to blog about one activity for thirty days. Thirty whole days!

I have chosen to document my 30-day experience of waking up in the mornings.

I know, sounds pretty tame — but I'm hoping that it will give me incentive to wake up on time... or at least make my mornings a little bit more exciting. So join me! Follow my "blogrimage" and let the waking up begin!

"Awake, my soul! Awake, harp and lyre! I will awaken the dawn." PSALM 57:8