Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Woke up late.

We are morning rushers,
hustlers, bustlers,
tapping time with our fingertips

One day we will be timeless
Among the stars
and a precious night sky
that blankets our dreams

Today I am letting go
and giving You my hopes
that washed away with the rain

It's Tuesday and I'm laughing
at my past sorrows and delights
today is new, and I will write.

Good morning, for 30 days!

Hello! Welcome to my first post. I heard about "Blogrimages" through a friend on Facebook; basically, those who participate vow to blog about one activity for thirty days. Thirty whole days!

I have chosen to document my 30-day experience of waking up in the mornings.

I know, sounds pretty tame — but I'm hoping that it will give me incentive to wake up on time... or at least make my mornings a little bit more exciting. So join me! Follow my "blogrimage" and let the waking up begin!

"Awake, my soul! Awake, harp and lyre! I will awaken the dawn." PSALM 57:8